Home - Singing Bowl Sets - Euphoric Evolution Crystal Tones® harmonic singing bowl set
Euphoric Evolution Crystal Tones® harmonic singing bowl set
3 Bowl Crystal Tones® alchemy singing bowl harmonic set.
Morganite, Platinum, Palladium (inside) 9" A -25
Zeal Point Aura Gold w/ Etched Lunar Goddess Butterfly 8" C# -20
Celestite, Platinum, Palladium (inside) 7" E -40
PLUS a ballistic nylon carrying case, mallet & o-rings, and a complimentary 30 minute intro to singing bowls class.
Buy as a set and SAVE!
This set would be over $7600 purchased separately.
SKUs: 110491-C, 98728, 110301
3 bowl harmonic set